Taylor and Travis
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, both successful in their respective fields, have recently started dating. They are trying to balance their demanding careers with their new relationship. Taylor, a renowned singer-songwriter, is in the middle of a world tour, while Travis, a professional football player, is in the midst of the NFL season. Despite their busy schedules, they make an effort to spend time together. They often communicate through phone calls and text messages when they are apart.
Group 1
Based on the scenario described, how is each of the following concepts affecting Taylor and Travis's relationship?
Question 1a
Short answer
Question 1b
Short answer
Question 1c
Short answer
Effects of stress on the endocrine system
Group 2
After a few months, Taylor and Travis start to notice changes in their behavior and feelings towards each other. Taylor is finding it harder to write love songs, and Travis is struggling to maintain his focus during games. They both decide to take a break from their relationship to focus on their careers. After a few weeks apart, they realize how much they miss each other and decide to get back together. Based on the scenario described, how do each of the following concepts explain Taylor and Travis's actions and experiences?
Question 2a
Short answer
Question 2b
Short answer
Question 2c
Short answer
REM sleep deprivation
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