Chapter 18 Quiz

All the quizzes in this course include 10 short answer questions. Each question is worth 5 points, making the total maximum score for each quiz 50 points. However, for grading purposes, each question will be displayed as worth 25 points in the rubric. I will divide your total quiz score by 5 and manually enter it into the Blackboard grade center.
The quizzes are open book, so you can use your notes from the book, class discussions, or online searches to answer the questions. However, you cannot copy and paste your answers. You can take each quiz up to 8 times to improve your grade. The final date to submit your answers is the end of Sunday of the following week. Answer each question thoughtfully and thoroughly.

Group 1

Answer the following short questions based on your understanding of personal finance and its impact on college success.

Question 1a

Short answer
What role does personal finance play in college success?

Question 1b

Short answer
What are some common financial issues faced by college students?

Question 1c

Short answer
What should students consider when setting financial goals?

Question 1d

Short answer
What are the essential expenses for a college student?

Question 1e

Short answer
What is the difference between needs and wants in budgeting?

Question 1f

Short answer
Name two ways to cover college expenses.

Question 1g

Short answer
What are the benefits of working while in college?

Question 1h

Short answer
What is the main advantage of subsidized student loans over unsubsidized loans?

Question 1i

Short answer
What should you do to avoid high-interest charges on credit cards?

Question 1j

Short answer
How can small savings on non-essential items impact your budget?

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