Baseball Concept FRQ
In fall 2022, the Phillies clinched their hard-earned place in history as the National League Champion baseball team and went to the World Series for the first time in 12 years. Players exhibited teamwork and masterful skills on the field throughout the season, but especially since entering the playoffs as the underdog team. Fans have been taken on an emotional roller coaster and are hanging on for the World Series ride. Describe how the following terms can be applied to the players’ experience over the past few weeks (Part A) or the fans’ experiences (Part B).
Group 1
Part A (players’ experience)
Question 1a
Short answer
Somatic Nervous System
Question 1b
Short answer
Adrenal Glands
Question 1c
Short answer
Question 1d
Short answer
Left Hemisphere
Group 2
Part B (fans’ experience)
Question 2a
Short answer
Question 2b
Short answer
Sympathetic Nervous System
Question 2c
Short answer
Auditory Cortex
Question 2d
Short answer
Medulla Oblongata
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