Improving Academic Performance through Behavioral Psychology
Jack, a high school student, has been struggling with his grades. His parents decide to implement a system to help him improve. Every time Jack gets an A on an assignment, his parents give him an extra hour of video game time. They also start serving his favorite dessert, apple pie, every Sunday night. Jack notices that his younger brother, Sam, who has always been a good student, gets to play video games whenever he wants. Jack starts to pay more attention to Sam's study habits and tries to emulate them. 2. After a few weeks, Jack's grades start to improve. His parents are pleased and decide to change their reinforcement strategy. Instead of giving Jack an extra hour of video game time for every A, they now give him video game time for every hour he studies. They also start serving apple pie randomly throughout the week, not just on Sundays. Jack continues to observe Sam and notices that Sam takes regular breaks while studying. Jack decides to try this strategy as well.
Group 1
Based on the scenario described, how is Jack using each of the following concepts to improve his grades?
Question 1a
Short answer
Operant conditioning
Question 1b
Short answer
Classical conditioning
Question 1c
Short answer
Observational learning
Group 2
Based on the scenario described, how do each of the following concepts explain Jack's actions?
Question 2a
Short answer
Schedules of reinforcement
Question 2b
Short answer
Variable-ratio schedule
Question 2c
Short answer
Distributed practice
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