The Impact of Sleep Quality on Academic Performance: A Study by Dr. Lumen

You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts.

Read the scenario below:
Part 1: 
Dr. Lumen is conducting a study to investigate the impact of sleep quality on academic performance among high school students. She hypothesizes that students with better sleep quality will have higher academic performance. To test her hypothesis, Dr. Lumen recruits 100 high school students and asks them to complete a sleep diary for two weeks, recording their bedtime, wake time, and any nighttime awakenings. She also collects their academic records from the past semester. Dr. Lumen plans to analyze the data to see if there is a correlation between the students' sleep quality and their grades.

- Describe how Dr. Lumen might operationalize the variable 'sleep quality' in her study.
-Explain one potential research method Dr. Lumen could use to collect data on academic performance and why it might be appropriate for this study.
- Discuss one ethical consideration Dr. Lumen must take into account when conducting her research with high school students.

Part 2: 
After collecting and analyzing the initial data, Dr. Lumen finds a significant positive correlation between sleep quality and academic performance. To further investigate this relationship, she decides to conduct an experimental study. Dr. Lumen selects a new group of 50 students and randomly assigns them to two groups. The experimental group participates in a sleep education program designed to improve sleep habits, while the control group receives no intervention. After three months, Dr. Lumen compares the academic performance of the two groups.

- Explain how random assignment to groups contributes to the internal validity of Dr. Lumen's experimental study.
- Identify a dependent variable in Dr. Lumen's experimental study and describe how it could be measured.
- Discuss one potential confounding variable in this study and how Dr. Lumen might control for it.

Question 1

Short answer
Part 1: Describe how Dr. Lumen might operationalize the variable 'sleep quality' in her study.

Question 2

Short answer
Part 1: Explain one potential research method Dr. Lumen could use to collect data on academic performance and why it might be appropriate for this study.

Question 3

Short answer
Part 1: Discuss one ethical consideration Dr. Lumen must take into account when conducting her research with high school students.

Question 4

Short answer
Part 2:  Explain how random assignment to groups contributes to the internal validity of Dr. Lumen's experimental study.

Question 5

Short answer
Part 2: Identify a dependent variable in Dr. Lumen's experimental study and describe how it could be measured.

Question 6

Short answer
Part 2: Discuss one potential confounding variable in this study and how Dr. Lumen might control for it.

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