Unit 8 Practice FRQ

Dr. Strange designed a study to determine the effectiveness of his new treatment for individuals with a fear of swimming in the ocean. He recruited volunteers who all expressed a significant fear of ocean swimming and avoided going to beaches or near the ocean in general. He then randomly divided participants into two distinct groups. Group 1 was selected to receive Dr. Strange’s innovative new therapy, while Group 2 received the standard therapy treatment. Dr. Strange’s new therapy involved a methodical and gradual exposure to ocean swimming in a controlled and safe environment, intended to lessen their fear incrementally.

To accurately assess and measure the fear of ocean swimming, the research team created a survey. This survey included questions about the psychological symptoms (like anxiety and panic) and physiological responses (such as heart rate and sweating) exhibited by individuals when thinking about or being near the ocean. The survey allowed researchers to directly compare the results between both groups, providing clear insights into the effectiveness of both treatment approaches. 

At the end of his experiment, Dr. Strange found that his new therapy design was proven to be significantly more effective at treating patients with a fear of swimming in the ocean in comparison to the standard therapy treatment.

Question 1

Short answer
How did Dr. Strange use "random assignment" in his experiment?

Group 2

What is a control group?

Question 2a

Short answer
Which group in the study was the control group?

Question 3

Short answer
How did Dr. Strange "operationally define" the variable that he was studying, which was "a fear of swimming in the ocean"?

Question 4

Short answer
Explain how Dr. Strange's new treatment is a type of exposure therapy.

Question 5

Short answer
What is a specific phobia and how does it apply to Dr. Strange's experiment?

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