Psychology Assignment: Learning Concepts in Real-life Scenarios

Initial Scenario: John is a high school student who recently got a part-time job at a local coffee shop. He had never made coffee before, but after a few weeks of training, he became proficient at making various coffee drinks. Every time he successfully made a coffee, his manager would give him a thumbs up. Now, whenever he sees a thumbs up, he feels a sense of accomplishment. One day, he noticed that he started making coffee faster and more efficiently when his manager was around. At home, John's younger brother, Tim, who often came to the coffee shop, started making coffee using their home espresso machine.

Extended Scenario: After a few months, John's manager introduced a new incentive program. For every five coffees made without any mistakes, the barista would receive a small bonus. John quickly adapted to this new system and started making fewer mistakes. He also noticed that his younger brother, Tim, who continued to visit the coffee shop, started to mimic John's more careful coffee-making technique at home. One day, John's manager gave him a thumbs up for a job well done, but John didn't feel the same sense of accomplishment as before.

Question 1

Short answer
Based on the initial scenario described, how is John using Classical Conditioning in his new job and at home?

Question 2

Short answer
Based on the initial scenario described, how is John using Operant Conditioning in his new job and at home?

Question 3

Short answer
Based on the initial scenario described, how is John using Observational Learning in his new job and at home?

Question 4

Short answer
Based on the extended scenario, how does the concept of Positive Reinforcement explain John's and Tim's actions?

Question 5

Short answer
Based on the extended scenario, how does the concept of Extinction (in Classical Conditioning) explain John's and Tim's actions?

Question 6

Short answer
Based on the extended scenario, how does the concept of Modeling (in Observational Learning) explain John's and Tim's actions?

Question 7

Short answer
Based on the extended scenario described, how is John being reinforced using Fixed-Ratio in his new job?

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