Unit 2: Concept Review

Respond to the following concept-based questions using vocabulary terms from Unit 2.

Group 1

Neurons, Neurotransmitters, the Nervous System, the Endocrine System, and Drugs

Question 1a

Short answer
Explain the differences between a drug that is an agonist, a drug that is an antagonist, and a drug that is a reuptake inhibitor. 

Integrate the following terms into your response: terminal buttons, synapse, receptor site.

Question 1b

Short answer
Explain the difference between a neurotransmitter that is excitatory versus a neurotransmitter that is inhibitory. 

Integrate the following terms into your response: terminal buttons, synapse, receptor site.

Question 1c

Short answer
Explain the difference between afferent neurons, efferent neurons, and interneurons. 

Integrate the following terms into your response: somatic nervous system, motor, sensory, brain, spine.

Question 1d

Short answer
Explain the difference between the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. 

Integrate the following terms in your response: parasympathetic, sympathetic, sensory, motor, peripheral.

Question 1e

Short answer
Explain why the pituitary gland is called the "master gland."

Question 1f

Short answer
Describe the process that occurs when a neuron fires fires. 

Integrate the following terms in your response: receptor site, dendrites, soma, axon, myelin sheath, nodes of Ranvier, axon terminals, terminal buttons, synapse, neurotransmitters, threshold, all-or-none response, action potential, refractory period, resting potential, depolarization.

Question 1g

Short answer
Describe some of the key differences are between the nervous system and the endocrine system. Be sure to discuss  the differences in speed, chemical messenger,  and travel method of each system.

Group 2

Genetics, Evolution, and Behavior

Question 2a

Short answer
Describe the elements of heredity. 

Integrate the following terms in your response: DNA, chromosomes, genes, genome.

Question 2b

Short answer
Describe how twin and adoption studies help us differentiate hereditary and environmental influences on human behavior. What, in particular, did the Jim Twins teach us about the impact of genes and environment on our behavior.

Question 2c

Short answer
Explain what is meant by heritability, and give examples of the interaction of genes and environment on specific traits.

Question 2d

Short answer
Describe the area of psychology that interests evolutionary psychologists, and point out some possible effects of natural selection in the development of human characteristics.

Question 2e

Short answer
Summarize the criticisms of evolutionary explanations of human behaviors, and describe the evolutionary psychologists’ responses to these criticisms.

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