Understanding Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory Through Alex's Experiences
Initial scenario: Fourteen-year-old Alex has recently begun high school and is experiencing a mix of emotions. He finds himself navigating a complex social landscape, forming new friendships, and dealing with the pressures of academic performance. At home, Alex often argues with his younger sister over trivial matters, such as who gets to control the TV remote. His parents have noticed that he has become more private about his personal life, spending long hours in his room listening to music or writing in his journal.
Question 1a
Short answer
According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which stage of psychosexual development is Alex currently in, and how might this be influencing his behavior?
Question 1b
Short answer
Explain how the concept of defense mechanisms might be evident in Alex's interactions with his family.
Question 1c
Short answer
Discuss how the Oedipus complex could be relevant to Alex's current stage of development, according to Freudian theory.
Group 2
Extended scenario: As the school year progresses, Alex develops a strong admiration for his English teacher, Mr. Thompson, who is supportive and encourages Alex's interest in poetry. Alex often stays after class to discuss literature and seeks Mr. Thompson's approval on his creative writing assignments. At home, Alex's relationship with his father becomes strained; they disagree more frequently, especially when it comes to Alex's future career aspirations. Alex's father wants him to focus on practical subjects, while Alex is drawn to the arts.
Question 2a
Short answer
How might the concept of identification explain Alex's admiration for his English teacher?
Question 2b
Short answer
Discuss how the concept of displacement might be manifesting in Alex's relationship with his father.
Question 2c
Short answer
Considering Freud's theory, how might Alex's experiences at this stage of development potentially influence his personality in the long term?
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