Unit 9 Practice FRQ

Reagan, a high school junior with a quiet disposition but a fierce competitive streak, found her niche in the world of online gaming. Initially, she picked up gaming to bond with her circle of friends, who were avid gamers. Reagan soon discovered not only a passion for gaming but also a talent that she hadn't anticipated. She noticed that her skills sharply improved under the gaze of an audience; the more viewers she had on her live streams, the better she played. This realization sparked an idea: why not become a gaming streamer?

Despite her initial reluctance to engage with social media beyond her gaming platform, the ambition to grow her audience and turn her passion into a viable income source won over. She started using various social media platforms to promote her stream, connect with fans, and build her brand. As her follower count soared, so did Reagan's confidence in her gaming prowess and her ability to entertain and engage her growing fan base.

Fame in the gaming community came with its perks and pitfalls. Reagan prided herself on her skills and the effort she put into building her streaming career. She believed firmly in the meritocracy of the gaming world—those who worked hard and honed their skills deserved success. This belief led her to view complaints about game difficulty with a mix of skepticism and dismissal. In her eyes, players who struggled with certain games simply weren't putting in the effort. However, when faced with her own in-game failures, Reagan's frustration often found an outlet in criticizing the game's design rather than her own abilities.

Question 1

Short answer
Explain how Reagan navigated the Cognitive Dissonance she felt in using more social media platforms despite originally not wanting to use them.

Question 2

Short answer
Describe how Reagan demonstrated the Just-World Phenomenon in the scenario.

Question 3

Short answer
Describe how Reagan demonstrated Fundamental Attribution Error in the scenario.

Question 4

Short answer
Explain how Normative Social Influence had an affect on Reagan in starting to play video games.

Question 5

Short answer
How did Social Facilitation affect Reagan in playing video games?

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