EBQ- Schizophrenia and CBT Therapy

Question 1

Evidence-Based Question (EBQ): Positivity and the Power of Belief
Introduction: Positive psychology explores the factors that contribute to well-being and happiness. Research suggests a potential link between positive emotions and physical health. This question examines how positive beliefs might influence the immune system.
Source 1:
Participants: University students (n=100) were randomly assigned to two groups.
Methodology: Participants completed a questionnaire measuring optimism levels. They were then exposed to a video depicting either stressful or neutral events. Finally, they received a nasal spray containing weakened cold virus particles. Researchers monitored participants for illness symptoms over the following weeks.
Results: The graph below shows the percentage of participants who developed a cold by optimism level.
[Insert a simple bar graph with X-axis labeled "Optimism Level" (Low, Medium, High) and Y-axis labeled "% Developed Cold". The bars should show a decreasing trend from Low to High optimism with a clear difference between Low and High optimism.]
Discussion: This study found a correlation between optimism and susceptibility to illness. Participants with higher levels of optimism were less likely to develop a cold after exposure to the virus.
Source 2:
Participants: Adults with chronic health conditions (n=80) participated in a mindfulness training program designed to cultivate positive emotions and focus on gratitude.
Methodology: Participants were divided into a training group and a control group. The training group completed an 8-week mindfulness program, while the control group received standard care. Before and after the program, researchers measured participants' levels of positive emotions and markers of immune function.
Results: The mindfulness training group showed a significant increase in positive emotions and certain immune system markers compared to the control group.
Discussion: This study suggests that cultivating positive emotions through mindfulness practices may enhance immune function in individuals with chronic health conditions.
Source 3:
Participants: Healthy adults (n=150) were randomly assigned to two groups.
Methodology: Participants received a placebo pill and were told it would either boost their immune system or have no effect. They then completed a stressful task. Researchers measured levels of stress hormones and immune system activity.
Results: Participants who believed they received an immune-boosting pill showed lower stress hormone responses and a slight increase in immune cell activity compared to the control group.
Discussion: This study demonstrates the potential for positive beliefs, even placebos, to influence the body's stress response and immune function.
Based on the information presented in these research studies, answer the following question:
To what extent does positive psychology research support the claim that positive beliefs can influence the immune system? Explain your answer using evidence from the sources and discuss relevant concepts from AP Psychology (e.g., stress hormones, placebo effect).

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