Understanding Behavioral Concepts

1. Answers should be in complete sentences
2. Definitions alone do not earn a score
3. Responses that only parrot/ repeat terms or questions do not earn points 

Group 1

Sam, a high school student, has been struggling with his grades. His parents, wanting to help him improve, have implemented a system of rewards and consequences. When Sam brings home a good grade, his parents allow him extra time to play video games. If he fails to complete his homework, his parents take away his phone for the rest of the day. However, if Sam does complete his homework, his parents no longer nag him about it. If Sam brings home a poor grade, his parents make him do extra chores. Based on the scenario described, how is each of the following concepts being used to help Sam improve his grades?

Question 1a

Short answer
Positive reinforcement

Question 1b

Short answer
Positive punishment

Question 1c

Short answer
Negative reinforcement

Question 1d

Short answer
Negative punishment

Group 2

Sam's parents also have a dog, Buster. Buster used to be terrified of the vacuum cleaner. Every time it was turned on, he would run and hide. However, Sam's parents started giving Buster a treat every time they turned on the vacuum. Eventually, Buster started to salivate at the sound of the vacuum, even before he was given a treat. After a while, Sam's parents stopped giving Buster a treat when they turned on the vacuum, and Buster stopped salivating at the sound. Based on the scenario described, how do each of the following concepts explain Buster's behavior?

Question 2a

Short answer
Unconditioned stimulus

Question 2b

Short answer
Unconditioned response

Question 2c

Short answer
Conditioned stimulus

Question 2d

Short answer
Conditioned response

Question 2e

Short answer

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