Psychology FRQ B: Security Guard Scenario
Instructions: Answer the following question below. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. Definitions alone will not score. You have 25 minutes. Choose 4 of the 7 terms. Follow the SODAS method. Blue or black ink required. 1 paragraph for each concept (define it & apply it to the scenario above). Requires a minimum of 2 sentences per paragraph. Paragraphs must be written in order based on the list above. Skip lines between your paragraphs. Don’t write on the back of your notebook paper. You have to do 4 even if you are unsure. Don’t leave one blank. You need to work through the hard stuff to become an excellent FRQ writer by the end of the course.
Group 1
A security guard is assigned to keep watch over a grocery store at night. If he detects any signs of trouble he is to report it to his manager. If he does not detect an intruder in time, he and his fellow night shift employees may be attacked or robbed.
Question 1a
Short answer
Describe how the term 'Signal detection theory' would apply to the security guard's ability to do his job.
Question 1b
Short answer
Describe how the term 'Fovea' would apply to the security guard's ability to do his job.
Question 1c
Short answer
Describe how the term 'Temporal lobe' would apply to the security guard's ability to do his job.
Question 1d
Short answer
Describe how the term 'Thalamus' would apply to the security guard's ability to do his job.
Question 1e
Short answer
Describe how the term 'Sensorineural deafness' would apply to the security guard's ability to do his job.
Question 1f
Short answer
Describe how the term 'Difference threshold' would apply to the security guard's ability to do his job.
Question 1g
Short answer
Describe how the term 'Retina' would apply to the security guard's ability to do his job.
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