Unit 3 Practice FRQ

John, a high school senior, has recently taken up photography as a hobby. He enjoys capturing the beauty of nature and people around him. One day, he decides to photograph a local park during sunset. He carefully adjusts the settings on his camera to capture the perfect shot. He notices that the colors of the sunset appear more vibrant in his photos than in real life. He also notices that he can clearly distinguish the different sounds in the park - the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the distant sound of children playing. 

After the sun has set, John decides to continue his photography session. He switches his camera to night mode. Without sunlight, John's camera struggles to take a good picture even though he can clearly see the park himself. However, he finds it difficult to distinguish between the different sounds in the park. He hears a rustling sound nearby and initially thinks it's a squirrel, but then realizes it's just the wind blowing through the leaves.

Question 1

Short answer
How does the "difference threshold" apply to the scenario?

Question 2

Short answer
How does the "absolute threshold" apply to the scenario?

Question 3

Short answer
How does "sensory adaptation" apply to the scenario?

Question 4

Short answer
How do "rods" apply to the scenario?

Question 5

Short answer
How does "bottom-up processing" apply to the scenario?

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