Understanding Developmental Psychology Through Jamie's Experiences
Jamie, a 10-month-old infant, is attending a family gathering for the first time. As Jamie's parents introduce him to various relatives, they notice that he becomes increasingly clingy and agitated when passed to unfamiliar aunts and uncles, crying until he is returned to his parents. Throughout the event, Jamie plays peek-a-boo with his older cousin, showing delight when his cousin reappears from behind his hands. At one point, Jamie's favorite toy rolls under a table, out of his sight. He initially seems to forget about the toy, but after a few minutes, he begins to crawl around, searching until he finds it. Jamie's parents also observe that he has recently started to crawl more proficiently, pulling himself up to stand with support, and is generally less distracted by minor noises and activities around him. Based on the scenario described, how is Jamie using each of the following concepts during the family gathering? a1. Object permanence b1- Maturation c1. Stranger Anxiety Later in the day, Jamie's grandmother, whom he sees infrequently, offers to hold him. Jamie is hesitant at first but eventually allows her to pick him up without crying. As the hours pass, Jamie becomes more comfortable with the new faces around him and even begins to show signs of recognizing and trusting some of his relatives. He is particularly drawn to his grandfather, who has spent the day playing with him and ensuring his needs are met. Jamie's parents are pleased to see him reaching for his grandfather, indicating a desire to be held by him. They also note that Jamie's ability to explore the environment has improved, as he confidently moves around the room, showing curiosity and a desire to interact with his surroundings. How do each of the following concepts explain Jamie's behavior later in the day? a2. Secure attachment b2. Habituation c2. Trust vs. Mistrust
Group 1
Jamie, a 10-month-old infant, is attending a family gathering for the first time. As Jamie's parents introduce him to various relatives, they notice that he becomes increasingly clingy and agitated when passed to unfamiliar aunts and uncles, crying until he is returned to his parents. Throughout the event, Jamie plays peek-a-boo with his older cousin, showing delight when his cousin reappears from behind his hands. At one point, Jamie's favorite toy rolls under a table, out of his sight. He initially seems to forget about the toy, but after a few minutes, he begins to crawl around, searching until he finds it. Jamie's parents also observe that he has recently started to crawl more proficiently, pulling himself up to stand with support, and is generally less distracted by minor noises and activities around him. Based on the scenario described, how is Jamie using each of the following concepts during the family gathering?
Question 1a
Short answer
Based on the scenario described, how is Jamie using the concept of stranger anxiety during the family gathering?
Question 1b
Short answer
Based on the scenario described, how is Jamie using the concept of object permanence during the family gathering?
Question 1c
Short answer
Based on the scenario described, how is Jamie using the concept of habituation during the family gathering?
Group 2
Later in the day, Jamie's grandmother, whom he sees infrequently, offers to hold him. Jamie is hesitant at first but eventually allows her to pick him up without crying. As the hours pass, Jamie becomes more comfortable with the new faces around him and even begins to show signs of recognizing and trusting some of his relatives. He is particularly drawn to his grandfather, who has spent the day playing with him and ensuring his needs are met. Jamie's parents are pleased to see him reaching for his grandfather, indicating a desire to be held by him. They also note that Jamie's ability to explore the environment has improved, as he confidently moves around the room, showing curiosity and a desire to interact with his surroundings.
Question 2a
Short answer
How does the concept of trust vs. mistrust explain Jamie's behavior later in the day?
Question 2b
Short answer
How does the concept of secure attachment explain Jamie's behavior later in the day?
Question 2c
Short answer
How does the concept of maturation explain Jamie's behavior later in the day?
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