AP Success - AP US History: Social Darwinism in the Gilded Age

Question 1

Multiple choice
  • They rejected Darwin's theory of evolution, favoring a creationist view that justified the social hierarchy.

  • They interpreted Darwin's theory as supporting the need for government intervention to protect the weak in society.

  • They saw Darwin's theory as a warning against the excesses of industrial competition and advocated for social reforms.

  • They believed that the competition in industry mirrored the natural selection in Darwin's theory, indicating progress and survival of the fittest.

Question 2

Multiple choice
  • Economists, journalists, educators, and writers who provided justifications for their status.

  • Religious leaders who promoted the social gospel to improve living conditions for the poor.

  • Populist politicians who sought to regulate big business and support small farmers.

  • Labor unions and working-class organizations that fought for workers' rights.

Question 3

Multiple choice
  • The push for social and political reforms during the Progressive Era.

  • The focus on agrarian virtues and the Jeffersonian ideal of the yeoman farmer.

  • The commitment to preserving traditional social orders and hierarchies.

  • The belief in progress that characterized much of American thought during the late 19th century.

Question 4

Multiple choice
  • The justification of laissez-faire capitalism and the minimal regulation of business.

  • The expansion of social welfare programs and the establishment of a social safety net.

  • The rise of the Populist movement and the demand for government ownership of railroads.

  • The growth of the labor movement and the widespread adoption of collective bargaining.

Question 5

Multiple choice
  • Immigrant entrepreneurs who relied on the free market to establish successful businesses.

  • Politicians who supported the gold standard to ensure economic stability.

  • Labor activists who challenged the inequalities produced by industrial capitalism.

  • Industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller who benefited from the era's economic policies.

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