Individual Research Report
Question 1
On your own, investigate your assigned approach, range of perspectives or lens on the problem or issue of your team research question. Identify a variety of sources that relate to your particular approach to the team research question. Analyze and evaluate the relevance and credibility of sources and evidence. Synthesize the perspectives you have gathered and choose which ones would be most valuable to share with your team in your individual report. Ensure that the report that you submit is entirely your own work. Present your findings and analysis to your group in a well-researched and well-written report. Your report should identify an area of investigation and explain its relationship to the overall problem or issue, summarize, explain, analyze and evaluate the main ideas and reasoning in the chosen sources, and evaluate the credibility of chosen sources and relevance of evidence to the inquiry. The report should demonstrate an understanding of the reasoning and validity of the arguments from the sources they have used, identify, compare and interpret a range of perspectives about the problem or issue, and cite all sources used. Use correct grammar and style appropriate for an academic audience, and keep under the 1200-word limit. Identify at least one counter-argument.
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