Crafting and Presenting an Effective Elevator Pitch

Question 1

Short answer
Describe the process you used to identify your strengths and accomplishments for your elevator pitch. What criteria did you use to select these highlights?

Question 2

Short answer
How did you tailor your elevator pitch to appeal to a potential employer in the tech industry? Mention any specific language or key points you included.

Question 3

Short answer
What are your short-term and long-term professional goals, and how did you incorporate them into your elevator pitch?

Question 4

Short answer
Explain the "Ask" in your elevator pitch. What specific action or connection are you seeking, and why is it important for your career development?

Question 5

Short answer
Reflect on the experience of recording your elevator pitch. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

Question 6

Short answer
How did you ensure your attire and setting were appropriate for a business casual video presentation?

Question 7

Short answer
Describe the steps you took to upload your video to Google Drive or YouTube, ensuring the correct viewing settings were applied.

Question 8

Short answer
Discuss the importance of revising and editing the written draft of your elevator pitch before submitting it. How did this process improve the final version?

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