M4.3 Computer System

Answer each question and wait for the feedback from Mr. AI.
Read the feedback and learn from it.
Then continue to the next question.
Try to gain as many points as you can.

Question 1

Short answer
What is the primary function of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer system?

Question 2

Short answer
Explain the different memory types and how they are used (purpose) in a computer system.
(RAM, ROM, HDD, SSD, Flash Drive)
How does a Solid State Drive (SSD) differ from a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) in terms of data storage and operation?

Question 3

Short answer
Describe the role of the motherboard in a PC.

Question 4

Short answer
What is the purpose of a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), and why is it important for gaming computers?

Question 5

Short answer
What is a PSU and what function does it have in a computer?

Question 6

Short answer
Every computer has Input/Output devices.
What are INPUT devices used for? Name 5 INPUT devices.
What are OUTPUT devices used for? Name 5 OUTPUT devices.
Name 3 devices that act as input AND output.

Question 7

Short answer
What is the difference between Hardware and Software?
Give at least 5 examples of hardware used in any computer and 5 software examples.

Question 8

Short answer
Name the 3 types of software and their purpose.
Give at least 3 examples for each software type. 

Question 9

Short answer
What is OPEN SOURCE Software?
Give 3 examples.

Question 10

Short answer
Explain how a computer operates as shown in the following diagram.

Question 11

Short answer
Compare between a PC and a Notebook. 
List the advantages and disadvantages of each.
PC Vs. Notebook

Question 12

Short answer
Explain the difference between a Special Purpose Computer and a General Computer.
Give Examples for each.

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