What is the Density of a Popcorn Kernel?

Question 1

Using the Claim, Evidence, Explanation, and Reasoning (CEER) format, write an essay that answers the question 'What is the density of a popcorn kernel?' based on the lab experiment you conducted with a density column and a popcorn kernel. Your essay should include the following sections:

1. Title: Create a title that clearly indicates the subject of your essay.
2. Claim: Make a clear and reasonable statement about the density of a popcorn kernel based on your observations.
3. Evidence: Provide at least two pieces of evidence from the lab experiment that support your claim.
4. Explain: Contextualize your evidence by explaining where it came from and any relevant background information. Predict how this evidence could be relevant to other subjects or future technologies.
5. Reasoning: Explain how your evidence logically supports your claim using scientific principles.
6. Writing and Structure: Ensure your essay is well-organized, clearly written, and follows the conventions of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraph structure. Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas.

After completing your essay, submit it for assessment. Your writing will be scored based on the rubric provided, and you will receive feedback on how well you met the 8th Grade Wisconsin ELA Standards for Argumentative Writing. You are encouraged to revise and resubmit your work based on the feedback to improve your score. Remember to work hard and take pride in your scientific exploration and writing skills.

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