Understanding Credit Cards: Net Income, APR, and Payment Strategies
Question 1
Short answer
Explain the difference between net income and gross income. Why is it important to know the difference when managing personal finances?
Question 2
Short answer
What is APR on a credit card, and how does it differ from the monthly interest rate?
Question 3
Short answer
Describe a scenario where someone's credit card balance might increase even though they are making regular payments. What could be causing this to happen?
Question 4
Short answer
How can understanding APR and monthly interest rates help you make better financial decisions when using a credit card?
Question 5
Short answer
Reflect on the importance of making more than the minimum payment on a credit card balance. How does this affect the amount of interest paid over time?
Question 6
Short answer
Discuss why it might be misleading to only look at the monthly payment amount when evaluating the cost of a credit card balance. What other factors should be considered?
Question 7
Short answer
Calculate the interest accrued on a credit card with an APR of 18% and a balance of $500 over one month. How would this amount change if the APR was 24%?
Question 8
Short answer
If you have a net income of $3,000 per month and your credit card payment is $150, what percentage of your net income is going towards your credit card payment? Why is this percentage important to consider?
Question 9
Short answer
Consider a credit card with a balance that is increasing each month. What strategies could be employed to start decreasing the balance?
Question 10
Short answer
Reflect on the long-term impact of only paying the minimum payment on a credit card. How could this affect your financial goals?
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