AP English Language: Divergent Comprehension and Analysis

Read the following excerpt: DIVERGENT Written by Richard Based on, Divergent by Veronica Roth

 Pitch darkness surrounds, a narrow faced, long, thin nosed, blue round eyed girl, dressed in grey robes TRIS, 16. Around her are 5 doors, glowing, pulsing. VOICE (Hissed) Choose! Choose now my dear. Choose wisely, you’ll live the rest of your life there. Don’t regret it. TRIS (Panicked) No.. Not now, I need time, I don’t want to choose yet. VOICE (Angrier) CHOOSE. TRIS (Pleaing) Please, I can’t. VOICE Be that way, and suffer the consequences Suddenly TRIS was falling, and falling. Looking around her she doesn’t see the bottom, and screams. INT. TRIS’ BEDROOM - MORNING TRIS jolts up in her bed, and rubs her eyes. She checks her watch, a simple watch with no adornments, and sleepily gets out of bed. TRIS (To Herself) Today is the day, Testing day. She dresses in a simple grey robe, and exits the room. INT. CANTEEN - NOON TRIS sits around a table with her brother CALEB, and neighbour SUSAN. In the b.g. people gather in groups around the canteen. One group plays cards, laughing, and shouting. One group chats over books. One group of all girls play handslapping games. One group debates. 2. The people at TRIS’ table sit quietly. A lady dressed identically to TRIS steps into the room. LADY #1 (Shouting) From Abnegation: Caleb Prior CALEB stands up, and walks to the lady, but hesitates, and turns around to face TRIS. CALEB Good Luck, Tris. You’ll be fine. And Susan as well. SUSAN nods her head in acknowledgement. SUSAN Thank-you Caleb, I’m sure you’ll be fine as well. TRIS opens and closes her mouth several times, wanting to speak. TRIS Thanks, brother. CALEB walks away, and TRIS looks like she wants to say more to CALEB. INT. CANTEEN - NOON LADY #1 (O.S.) From Abnegation: Susan Black and Beatrice Prior. TIME CUT SUSAN and TRIS walk to the exit, and outside the cafeteria, and a row of ten rooms. The rooms are separated by mirrors. SUSAN walks to room 5, and TRIS walks to room 6, SUSAN grins at TRIS. TRIS walks into room 6, and a dauntless woman with small, dark, eyes, wearing a black blazer, TORI, waits inside. TORI has a tattoo on her neck.  INT. TESTING ROOM - NOON TORI Don’t worry, dear. It doesn’t hurt. My name’s Tori, now have a seat and get comfortable. 3. TRIS sits in the chair gracelessly, and TORI attaches wires to TRIS’ head. TRIS Why the hawk? TRIS looks ashamed the moment she finishes asking. TORI laughs softly, and looks amused. TORI I’ve never met a curious Abnegation before, most certainly strange for your faction. I thought questioning was considered vain, and unnecessary. Tris opens her mouth, and closes it again, like a fish. TORI looks at TRIS and just laughs, gently, not scornfully, but amused. TRIS I’m just, just taken back by the tattoo. We’ve never been allowed them, or anything else besides the basics. TORI That’s quite all right. The hawk on my tattoo in some parts of the ancient world, symbolized the sun. Back when I got this, I figured if I always had the sun on me, I wouldn’t be afraid not even in the darkest of times. TORI passes TRIS a clear vial of liquid. TORI (CONT’D) Now Drink. TRIS What’s this? TORI Can’t tell you, just trust me. TRIS tilts her head back, and drinks. EXTREME CLOSE UP - TRIS’ EYES TRIS’ eyes snap close. 4. INT. CANTEEN - NOON TRIS stands in the empty canteen, it is now snowing outside. There are two tables in front of her, one holds a hunk of cheese. The other a knife over one feet long. WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Choose. TRIS tenses up. TRIS Why? Why should I choose? WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Choose. TRIS looks around her, no one is there. TRIS relaxes a little, and scowls. WOMAN’S VOICE (CONT’D) Fine, Have it your way. The canteen disappears. DARK NOTHINGNESS A dog with a pointed nose stands yards from her. It crouches, growls, and snarls. TRIS stays absolutely still, and proceeds to bow. The dog accepts the gesture, and TRIS proceeds to stroke the dog. A girl appears dressed in white. GIRL WHITE DRESS Puppy! The dog growls, snaps, and pounces towards the girl. TRIS hurls her body, and pins the dog. The scene dissolves. INT. BUS - DAY TRIS stands on a bus, and looks around. All the seats are taken but one in the back. TRIS moves towards the seat, and is stopped by a man reading a newspaper as he grabs TRIS’ arm, and clenches the paper. MAN WITH NEWSPAPER Do you know this guy? The Man taps the front page of the newspaper. The headline reads “Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended!” TRIS stares at the paper blankly, and shows signs of recognition.  5. MAN WITH NEWSPAPER (CONT’D) (Angrily) Well? Do you? TRIS looks thoughtful for a moment, and seems scared. TRIS’ expression changes to a blank one, as she makes her decision.  TRIS Nope. No idea who he is. The man snarls, and leans close to TRIS’ face. MAN WITH NEWSPAPER (Escalating) You’re Lying. You’re Lying. YOU LIAR! TRIS is visibly shaken TRIS (Shaking) I am not. MAN WITH NEWSPAPER I CAN SEE IT IN YOUR EYES! TRIS Nope. MAN WITH NEWSPAPER (Whispering) If you know him, you could save me. You could save ME! TRIS (Hesitantly) Well... I Do Not Know Him. INT. TESTING ROOM - NOON EXTREME CLOSE UP - TRIS’ EYES TRIS’ eyes snap open. TORI is standing beside her, with a strange look. TORI (slowly) That... was well... perplexing. TORI stand slowly and leaves the room. TRIS ponders at TORI’S mysterious words. The minutes drag on, and TRIS becomes worried. TORI comes back in. TORI (CONT’D) 6. Sorry to worry you. TORI’s expression changes, and her posture tenses up. TORI (CONT’D) (Cautiously) Beatrice, your results were inconclusive. Typically, the factions would be eliminated stage by stage. You only eliminated 2 out of 5. TRIS (Surprised) Two? TORI Choosing the cheese would’ve confirmed your aptitude for peace, and therefore Amity. Choosing the knife would’ve confirmed otherwise. You lied to the man on the bus, and your dishonestly ruled out Candor, only they tell the truth on that one. But that leaves us a problem, people who tell truth, are Candor, and Abnegation. TRIS looks confused. TORI (CONT’D) But, you threw yourself at the dog in selflessness for the girl. That confirms Abnegation, but on the bus when the man said that you could save him you didn’t tell the truth. Which rules out Abnegation. TRIS (Interrupting) Wait, what does this mean for my aptitude. TORI Yes, and No. My conclusion is that you display aptitude for Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. They are called.... TORI tenses up, and leans very closely to TRIS7. TORI (CONT’D) (Very Very Softly) Divergent. TORI rights herself back up. TORI (CONT’D) Under no circumstance are you to share that information with anyone. Absolutely no one, never in your life, forever. You understand? TRIS looks confused for a moment, but nods. TORI (CONT’D) I suggest you go home, and do some thinking. TORI tenses up, and grabs TRIS’ wrists as TRIS turns to leave. TORI (CONT’D) (Desperately) Choose wisely, Tris. Wisely. Choose where you think you belong, sometimes YOU have to come FIRST, no one else, YOU. Choose for YOURSELF, and above all, DON’T TELL ANYONE. TORI lets go slowly, as TRIS’ hesitantly turns, and leaves. INT. THE HUB’S LOBBY - DAY TRIS, CALEB, and SUSAN stand together in a group of Abnegation members. They dress identically in gray shirts, and gray slacks. The group enters the elevator taking up most of the space. The Amity dressed in bright colours, attempt to enter the crowded elevator, and the Abnegation led by a Man who looks like TRIS and CALEB, their father offers Amity the elevator. The Abnegation walking in uniform follows TRIS’ FATHER up the stairs. INT. CHOOSING ROOM - DAY The room is arranged in concentric circles with a podium and 5 bowls in the middle, and the 16 year olds stand on the edges in alphabetical order. The factions sit together in groups (Amity/Peace, Candor/Truth, Erudite/Knowledge, Abnegation/Selflessness, Dauntless/Bravery). TRIS’ FATHER and MOTHER come up to her and CALEB. 8. TRIS’ FATHER (confidently) Good Luck. See you soon. TRIS Thank-you father. TRIS’ PARENTS turn to CALEB, but then TRIS’ MOTHER turns back, and clutch’s TRIS. TRIS’ MOTHER (Whispered) I love you, Beatrice, No matter what. Remember, I love you. TRIS’ MOTHER forlornly turns away. In the b.g. TRIS’ PARENTS do the same to CALEB. Then an Abnegation member stands up to the podium and clears his throat. MARCUS Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony. Today we honour the philosophy of our ancestors, which dictates we each have our right to choose his own way. It was centuries ago that our ancestors realized that war was not born of ideology, or beliefs, but the facets of mankind’s personality, of mankind’s nature. Factions were born of the belief, separated by the qualities they believed responsible for the world’s disarray. MARCUS waves to the bowl of earth. MARCUS (CONT’D) Those who blamed aggression formed Amity. The brightly clothes group smiles as MARCUS waves to the bowl of water. MARCUS (CONT’D) Those who blamed ignorance became Erudite. The ______ group shifts as MARCUS waves to the bowl of glass. MARCUS (CONT’D) Those who blamed duplicity created Candor. 9. The black and white dressed group looks to one another as MARCUS waves to the bowl of grey stones. MARCUS (CONT’D) Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation. TRIS moves and shifts in nervousness as her faction is mentioned. CALEB grabs her arms to steady TRIS, and reassure her. MARCUS waves to the bowl of lit coals. MARCUS (CONT’D) Those who blamed cowardice were the Dauntless. A group of tattooed and pierced people smiles. MARCUS (CONT’D) These five factions have lived in peace for many years coexisted in harmony. Abnegation provided the selfless leaders in government. Candor provided the trustworthy leaders in law. Erudite provided teachers, and researchers. Amity has given us counselors and caretakers, and Dauntless supplies us with protection from the outside... MARCUS deliberately speaks the next words with emphasis. MARCUS (CONT’D) And from the Enemy Within. But the factions provided us also with family, purpose, meaning, and life. Apart from them, we would not survive, for Faction before Blood. Therefore may this day bring new initiates, for a happier, brighter, better future. The room erupts into applause. MARCUS proceeds to read names as the initiates proceed one by one to the bowls choosing their faction. MARCUS (CONT’D) Caleb Prior. CALEB squeezes TRIS’ hand, and hugs her one last time. CALEB brings his mouth very close to TRIS’ ear. 10. CALEB (Very softly) Beatrice, we should think of family. But... But.. Sometimes we must also think of ourselves. CALEB walks to the bowls, and TRIS stands confused. CALEB takes the knife from MARCUS, and presses it into his hand drawing blood. He stands over the bowls, and very slowly, and hesitantly moves his hand to the bowl of water. His blood drops slowly into the bowl turning the water even redder. The room erupts into mutters led by the Abnegation, CALEB is the first Abnegation to transfer. The Erudite looks smug, and the Abnegation tense.  MARCUS (Shouting) Quiet! Quiet Please!. MARCUS looks down to the list. MARCUS (CONT’D) Beatrice Prior. TRIS walks very slowly, and hesitantly over to the bowls. The room dead silent, with indecision showing in TRIS’ eyes. The Abnegation tense up even more. TRIS takes the knife, and draws blood from her hand, shivering a little at the pain. EXTREME CLOSE UP - TRIS’ HAND The blood wells up on Tris’ hand, as her hand hesitates between two bowls. The blood drips onto the floor. TRIS’ Hand moves jerkily to one bowl, and one drop of blood drips. TORI (V.O.) (Desperately, echoing) Sometimes YOU have to come FIRST.... CHOOSE for YOURSELF. Choose wisely. EXTREME CLOSE UP - DROP OF BLOOD The drop of blood falls, and falls, and hits burning coals. The fire envelopes the drop of blood, and burns stronger. TRIS turns to leave the podium, and spots TRIS’ FATHER’S EYES’ burning, looking accusingly. TRIS’ tenses up. TRIS’ MOTHER smiles, with tears in her eyes. EXT. ROOFTOP - AFTERNOON 11. A train suspended on tracks 7 stories up roars by, and a stream of DAUNTLESS INITIATES jump out. TRIS jumps out last. The Group walks to the opposite side of the roof where a wrinkled, dark-skinned, gray haired Dauntless Leader, MAX, waits for them. MAX Several stories below, is the member’s entrance. If you can’t jump, you don’t belong here. Initiates first. An ERUDITE GIRL gapes. ERUDITE GIRL (Incredulously) You want us to jump of a LEDGE?? MAX curls his lips, and looks amused. MAX Yes. ERUDITE GIRL Is there something down there to catch us? Water? Mats? MAX (Offhandedly) Maybe. Who Knows? Volunteers? MAX steps aside, and no one moves. TRIS slowly, and hesitantly moves to the edge, and looks down. It’s 7 stories high, and at the bottom is a huge hole, encircled by buildings on all sides. She looks up, and at the hole again, and slowly bends her knees and jump. It’s pitch black as TRIS falls. TRIS hits a net after a few seconds. TRIS looks relieved, and shakily climbs off. A Dauntless member, with deep-set dark blue eyes, FOUR, grabs TRIS’ hand, and pulls her up. TRIS stands on a platform in an open cavern. FOUR Can’t believe it, A stiff, first? Miraculous. Probably why you left in the first place. What’s your name? TRIS hesitates, and FOUR faintly smiles. FOUR (CONT’D) Choose carefully, you’ll only pick once. 12. TRIS considers for a moment. TRIS (with certainty) Tris, my name is Tris. FOUR holds up TRIS’s hand. FOUR (Shouting) First Jumper - TRIS! The crowd of Dauntless appear out of the darkness, and cheer. FOUR pulls TRIS away as the next Jumper is heard. FOUR (CONT’D) Welcome to Dauntless. INT. THE PIT - AFTERNOON The initiates stand at the bottom of a huge underground pit rising several stories high. Caves are carved into the walls for food, clothing, etc. Narrow paths connect them with no barriers. The non-Dauntless initiates stand awed. FOUR This is where we divide. Dauntlessborn initiates, Lauren, is waiting for you at the top of the Pit. I trust you do not need a tour of this place. The Dauntless-born all hurry away, and climb the pit with deft skill. TRIS looks around, counting the initiates left, there are 9. TRIS’ abnegation uniform stands out from the rest are Erudite, and candor. FOUR (CONT’D) I normally work in Control, but I will be your instructor for the next few weeks. My name is FOUR. There’s a general murmur in the crowd at the name. FOUR (CONT’D) Is there a problem? The crowd silences immediately. FOUR (CONT’D) Now, this is the Pit, you will learn to enjoy it. 13. TRIS looks around, there are no elderly Dauntless. FOUR moves into the light, and his back is covered in a tattoo peaking out from the collar of his shirt. FOUR waves to the pitch black right side of the Pit. FOUR (CONT’D) That, will be the chasm. Follow me, I will show you. The sound of fast moving water breaks the sound of footfalls. The initiates arrive at the edge, and the floor drops off at nearly vertically several stories. There’s a river at the bottom . FOUR (CONT’D) (Shouting) Let this be the reminder that the line between bravery, and idiocy is very fine. One jump will end it all. It’s happened before, and it will happen again. The initiates murmur, as they are led to the dining call across the Pit. The dining hall is full of people, and clattering silverware. The Dauntless notice the initiates, and make noise, applause, stomps, and shouts, welcoming the initiates. INT. DINING HALL - DINNER The initiates sit around a side table, FOUR sits with them. The tables are laden with hamburgers. TRIS looks at the food confused. FOUR It’s beef, put this on it. FOUR passes tris a small container of red sauce, ketchup. A Candor girl beside TRIS tall, dark brown skinned, with short hair, CHRISTINA, looks surprised. CHRISTINA You’ve never had hamburgers? TRIS (Slightly Amused and Curious) No. .... (beat) So, that’s what it’s called. CHRISTINA eyes widen ever furthur, and looks shocked. 14. FOUR (simply) Stiffs eat plain food, extravagance is apparently considered selfindulgent, and unnecessary, food, clothing, adornments, everything. CHRISTINA’s expression changes from shocked to smirky. CHRISTINA No wonder you left. TRIS rolls her eyes, and giggles, the sound still a bit foreign. TRIS Yup, because of the food. CHRISTINA smiles, and giggles, and extends her hand. CHRISTINA Christina, from Erudite. TRIS accepts the hand, and shakes it. TRIS Tris, from Abnegation. CHRISTINA I can tell. INT. OUTSIDE THE DORMITORIES - NIGHT FOUR arrives leading the initiates. He stops abruptly, and turns to face them. FOUR We take initiation very seriously, so training is everything. Some rules: you have to be in the training room by 8 o’clock every day. Training is from 8 to 6 each day with a break for lunch. After that, it’s free to do whatever that you transfers do. There’s break time between each stage. TRIS seems shocked by the concept of time off, and free to do whatever you want. FOUR (CONT’D) This will happen, each and every day! Understood!!The initiates all nod. 15. FOUR (CONT’D) You can only leave the compound with a Dauntless, and beyond those doors FOUR gestures to the sturdy wooden door behind him. FOUR (CONT’D) Is where you will be sleeping for the initiation. There are 10 beds, and only 9 of you. Evidently we were expecting more to make it. CHRISTINA, looks confused. CHRISTINA But we started with 12... FOUR (casually) There are always at least one transfer who doesn’t make it. Continuing on, in the first stage of initiation you are kept separate from the Dauntless born, but you will be evaluated and ranked together. They will be better than you, so you must-A Mousy haired Erudite girl cuts FOUR off. ERUDITE GIRL Rankings? Why are we ranked? FOUR Your ranking serves two purposes. One, only the top 10 are made members. Two, the rankings will be the order of your job selection. There are very few DESIRABLE positions; rank 5 or below, and you’ll end up guarding the fence, with little chance of advancement. There are 11 Dauntless born, and 9 of you. 4 will be cut at the end of the first stage, the rest at the end of the final test. Those who are cut must leave immediately, and be factionless. 16. There is a murmur among the initiates at the word factionless. A broad shouldered Candor girl, Molly, interrupts. MOLLY That’s no fair. The Dauntless born have the advantage. If we had known--FOUR (dangerously) If you had known, If you had known what? You wouldn’t have chosen us? If that’s the case, then GET OUT NOW! If you really are us, it doesn’t matter, you’re brave. BRAVE! FOUR turns around wordlessly, and pushes open the dormitory doors. FOUR (CONT’D) Enjoy. Remember, you chose us, now we have to choose you. INT. DORMITORY - MIDNIGHT TRIS lies awake staring at the ceiling, the sound of 8 others breathing in the background. TRIS looks pensive, and her eyes tear up, TRIS quickly dabs the tears out of her eye. There’s a soft strangled sob in the distance, TRIS snaps out of her daze, and turns. EXTREME CLOSE UP - AL’S TEAR A large, and broad Candor boy’s, AL, eyes glaze. A single tear drips down his wet face, slowly, and very slowly falls off his face, and onto the ground. INT. TRAINING ROOM - MORNING FOUR stands at the front of the room containing shooting targets, punching bags, sparring areas, and different varieties of fighting instruments and practice areas. Another DAUNTLESS with long, dark, and greasy hair, cold eyes, and a face pierced in too many different places stands beside FOUR, the tension between them is very thick, both standing tense. The initiates arrive and stand in a very straight line in front of the two, some of them nervous, and others excited. 17. FOUR This is Eric, he is a Dauntless leader. FOUR gestures towards ERIC, who just stands there with no reaction. FOUR (CONT’D) You will learn how to fight, to prepare yourself to respond to challenges. For Dauntless, it is unthinkable to refuse to meet the challenge. That is life as a Dauntless, meeting the challenges ahead., head on. Technique today, tomorrow you’ll fight. Learn fast, and you won’t get hurt. The initiates each practice on a black faded punching bag spaced 3 feet apart from each other. TRIS tries out punch #1. INT. TRAINING ROOM - EARLIER FOUR demonstrates punch #1. FOUR (V.O.) Punch like you mean it, imagine your worst enemy, and punch like you mean it. INT. TRAINING ROOM - PRESENT TRIS practices punch #2, FOUR watches her from a distance. ERIC in the b.g. leaves the training room. INTERCUT BETWEEN PAST AND PRESENT FOUR demonstrates punch #2. FOUR (V.O.) For those who don’t have much muscle, use your knees and elbows. TRIS practices punch #3, her skin now reddening, and cracking. FOUR demonstrates punch #3, the punching bag thrown around like a toy. TRIS practices kick #1, the punching bag barely moves. 18. FOUR demonstrates kick #1 with an explosive kick, sending the punching bag up, and hits the roof. FOUR (V.O.) Keep the tension in your abdomen as you kick. INT. TRAINING ROOM - PRESENT TRIS tries kick #1 again, the punching bag still barely moves. FOUR comes over, and eyes her methodically, and calculatingly. FOUR moves behind TRIS and suddenly puts a hand to her stomach, and pauses. TRIS tenses. FOUR (quietly) Remember, keep the tension here, always. (2 Beats) Never forget that. FOUR retracts his hand, and turns to walk away, TRIS still stands unmoving, forgetting to breathe. FOUR (CONT’D) (beat) Use your elbows, and your knees. INT. THE PIT - DINNER CHRISTINA elbows TRIS gently, TRIS turns her head and looks at CHRISTINA. CHRISTINA That was insane, He scares the hell out of me; that quiet voice he uses. TRIS Yeah, he’s definitely very... TRIS looks for words. TRIS (CONT’D) Intimidating. CHRISTINA accepts that answer, and nods. A very large, and broad boy, AL, approaches them. CHRISTINA spots him, and waves. 19. CHRISTINA Tris, this is my, uh.., friend from my faction.... CHRISTINA notices her mistake, and quickly corrects herself. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) My old faction, Candor, Al. AL reaches them, and offers his had to TRIS. TRIS Nice to meet you Al. I’m Tris. TRIS takes Al’s hand. AL Nice to meet you as well, Tris. They let go, and AL ponders, and opens his mouth to say something, and closes it again, and opens it once again. AL (CONT’D) I want to get a tattoo, you guys coming with me? TRIS looks bewildered at this concept. TRIS A tattoo of what? AL I don’t know, I just want to feel like I’ve actually left my old faction. Stop crying about it. TRIS and CHRISTINA quickly look at the floor at the mention of AL crying. AL (CONT’D) What? I know you both heard me. TRIS and CHRISTINA smile at AL’s words, and CHRISTINA punches Al playfully in the arm. CHRISTINA Yeah, learn to quiet down, will you? But, you know, you’re right if we want to go all the way we’ve got to really be the part. CHRISTINA specifically looks at TRIS when she says be the part. 20. TRIS (defensively) No, I will not cut my hair, dye my hair, or pierce my face, or do any of that sort of stuff. CHRISTINA drags TRIS by her wrist, and pulls her into the pit swarming with people. AL follows them. An erudite boy, Will, approaches them, and taps AL on the shoulder. WILL Mind if I join you guys? AL looks suspicious. AL Aren’t you supposed to be with your Erudite buddies? AL points at EDWARD, and MYRA. WILL Nah, they’re dating. WILL points at EDWARD, and MYRA again, they’re kissing now. WILL (CONT’D) I don’t want to be the third wheel. CHRISTINA looks at TRIS, and sighs. CHRISTINA (mumbled) Your clothes..... TRIS (curious) What’s wrong with my clothes? They’re not grey anymore.... CHRISTINA Come, I’ll show you. TRIS opens her mouth to protest, but CHRISTINA silences TRIS, and drags her in a new direction. INT. CLOTHING SHOP IN THE PIT - NIGHT TRIS’ POV TRIS’ eyes are closed, as CHRISTINA is heard moving, mumbling. 21. CHRISTINA Eyeliner, close your eyes tight. TRIS You know, you aren’t able to make me look pretty. CHRISTINA Watch me! Besides, who cares about pretty, I’m going to make you noticeable.  The sound of eyeliner being applied is heard. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Okay, open your eyes now. TRIS opens her eyes, and in the mirror stands TRIS in a floorlength black dress, shimmering. TRIS’ hair is now loose, hanging over her shoulders. Her eyes are now piercing blue, not grayish dull blue. Her features now fuller. CHRISTINA looks extremely proud of her work, and gestures to TRIS. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) (excitedly) See... Striking. You like? TRIS Definitely, I look.... (beat) Different, like a different person. CHRISTINA gives her a funny look. TRIS (CONT’D) (hurriedly) It’s a good thing. Sorry, it’s just I’ve never been allowed to stare at my reflection for this long. CHRISTINA looks shocked. CHRISTINA That’s a real strange faction, come let’s go watch Al get tattooed. TRIS looks relieved at the change of subject, and follows CHRISTINA out of the shop. 22. INT. TATTOO PARLOUR - NIGHT TRIS looks at Al’s tattoo of a spider with intrigue, TORI comes up to her and taps her on the arm. TRIS jumps, and turns. TORI Nice to see you again, I thought we’d never meet again. TRIS’ expression suddenly changes as if she remembered the importance of what TORI said to her testing day, and the fact that she seemed to be hiding something. TRIS moves very close to TORI, and puts her mouth to TORI’s ear. TRIS (Whispered) I think we should talk, sometime. TORI tenses, and looks around her seeing no one of interest. TORI (whispered) I don’t think that would be wise. I can’t help you anymore. TORI’s posture changes. TORI (CONT’D) (normal) Want a tattoo? TRIS looks around, and spots a flying dove design. TRIS points to it. TRIS I want three of those. Tattoos to represent starting a new life, three to represent family I left behind. INT. TRAINING ROOM - DAY ERIC and FOUR stand at the front of the training room, the initiates gather in front of them. FOUR Over the next few days, you will learn to fight each other. There’s an odd number of you, one of you won’t fight each day. 23. The initiates all look at the list, TRIS’ name is by itself. The rest are paired: AL and WILL, MOLLY and CHRISTINA, PETER and EDWARD, DREW and MYRA. CHRISTINA Looks like I’m paired with the tank. CHRISTINA sights, and TRIS looks at the list. TRIS’ eyes fall on the name beside CHRISTINA’s MOLLY. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Yup, Molly, Peter’s slightly more feminine-looking minion. CHRISTINA and TRIS look to CHRISTINA, CHRISTINA in a group with PETER, and DREW. They are all tall, broad shouldered, bronze skinned, and bulb nosed.  MONTAGE 1. AL and WILL Fight, punches exchanged, AL wins 2. PETER and EDWARD fight, evenly matched, EDWARD wins in the end. 3. DREW and MYRA Fight, DREW wins easily. 4. MOLLY and CHRISTINA fight, CHRISTINA is easily kicked to the side by MOLLY as MOLLY assaults CHRISTINA over, and over again. AL looks nervous as he watches the match, TRIS is intensely focused. CHRISTINA attempts to move out of MOLLY’s way, but MOLLY pins CHRISTINA down, and punches again, and again, CHRISTINA’s jaw, nose, and mouth. CHRISTINA screams, and screams as MOLLY continues to assault her. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) (wailed) STOP (beat) Please, I’m done. ERIC walks over to CHRISTINA furious. ERIC You’re done? Done? CHRISTINA weakly nods. ERIC (CONT’D) GET UP! FOUR walks up, and grab’s ERIC’s shoulder. 24. FOUR According to Dauntless rules, one could also concede, she did concede. ERIC’s eyes narrow, as does FOUR’s. ERIC According to the OLD RULES. In the NEW RULES no one concedes. FOUR A brave man acknowledges the strength of his enemies. ERIC A brave man never surrenders. ERIC and FOUR eye each other for minutes, as a clash of different Dauntless ideals. ERIC wins as he’s a Dauntless leader. ERIC motions to the entire group. ERIC (CONT’D) Follow me. INT. THE RIVER BY THE PIT ERIC shoves CHRISTINA against the railing. ERIC Climb over it. CHRISTINA looks dumbfounded. ERIC (CONT’D) (pronouncing deliberately, and slowly) I said, climb over the railing. CHRISTINA hesitantly begins to climb over the narrow, metal, railing, slippery with the spray of the river. ERIC gives her a shove, and CHRISTINA speeds up. ERIC (CONT’D) If you hang over the chasm for 5 minutes, your cowardice will be forgiven. If not, well, you better hope the river makes a soft landing. CHRISTINA gets to the top, and slowly moves over, shaking. 25. CHRISTINA (softly, shaking) Fine. INSERT - AL’S WATCH AL sets his watch, and the needle ticks. TRIS, AL, and WILL watch, lips pressed together, anticipation showing on their faces. The watch ticks to a minute and a half, CHRISTINA’s hands begin slipping just a little due to the water. The watch ticks to three minutes, CHRISTINA’s slips even more. The watch ticks to four minutes thirty seconds, and the river hits the wall. The white water sprays against CHRISTINA’s back, her face strikes the barrier, and she cries out. Her hands slip, and she’s just holding on by the fingertips of her right hand. CHRISTINA tries to get a better grip, but fails. The watch ticks to 4 minutes 55 seconds. AL Come on, Christina. Only 5 seconds, 4, 3. CHRISTINA cries out again as her wet hands slip even more. AL (CONT’D) 1 second. AL turns to ERIC as the watch ticks to 5 minutes. AL (CONT’D) Time’s up. ERIC takes his time, very slowly checking his watch. ERIC Fine, you can come up. Christina. AL walks towards the railing. ERIC (CONT’D) NO. Let her do it. AL No she doesn’t her punishment is up. ERIC doesn’t respond, and walks away. AL reaches over the railing, and grabs CHRISTINA’s wrists, and pulls her up. CHRISTINA looks traumatized, and her eyes skan our faces. CHRISTINA (quietly) Thanks. 26. INT. DORMITORY - MORNING TRIS wakes up, her face, and body is covered in purple-blue bruises. TRIS rolls out of bed, and sees that the word “STIFF” has been spray painted in bright red paint on the floor in front of her bed. PETER, the burly bulky, transfer from Candor walks in, flanked by his two henchmen, Molly, and Drew. PETER Nice decorations. Still a bit stiff from our fight the other day are we? TRIS quickly advances on PETER, but winces because of her injuries. TRIS (dangerously) Did I do something to you, that I’m unaware of? If you haven’t noticed yet, (beat) Which I don’t expect you to, we’re in the same faction now. PETER (lightly) I don’t know what you’re talking about. (tightly) And you and I will never be in the same faction. I thought you’d learn that after our fight, I distinctly remember knocking you out. PETER leaves, followed by his henchmen. AL, and CHRISTINA walk in after a few seconds. AL sees the paint, and quickly walks to TRIS followed by CHRISTINA. AL Don’t worry about that, we’ll clean it up. Peter’s an Idiot, if you don’t get angry, he’ll stop eventually. TRIS looks unconvinced. TRIS Yeah...27. CHRISTINA Peter’s just evil spirited, don’t mind him, he’ll give up if he doesn’t get his fun. He used to do bad things, and pick fights with the  children from school, and when the teachers came he’d say that they started it. And, everyone believed him because he was in Candor. Despicable really. TRIS looks more convinced. TRIS Yeah.. Al, did you talk to Will? After, well you know... AL Yeah, he’s fine, not angry, we all know that if it wasn’t him, it was me. (Sighs) Now, I’ll always be remembered as the first guy who knocked someone out cold. TRIS smiles. TRIS There are worse ways, at least they won’t antagonized you. AL There are better ways... First jumper. AL nudges TRIS. TRIS, AL, and CHRISTINA notice the time, and quickly walks to the training room door. They look at the chalkboard, and beside TRIS’ name is MOLLY. CHRISTINA Oh no.... They’re making you fight her? AL Maybe you can just take a few hits, and pretend to go unconscious. No one could blame you. TRIS No, I can’t, I already lost to Peter, I can’t loose again. I’ll get cut, and be factionless. (MORE)28. TRIS (CONT'D) (determined) I won’t be factionless. I can’t. FOUR moves to the arena. FOUR Up first, Tris, and Molly. MOLLY walks confidently to the arena. TRIS takes a deap breathe, and walks shakily to the area. FOUR grabs her arm. FOUR (CONT’D) (quietly) Attack first. (beat) You’re fast. FOUR lets go of TRIS’ arm, and TRIS continues shakily to the arena.  FOUR (CONT’D) (quietly) You could win, if only you could learn to get them before they get you. MOLLY smirks at TRIS. MOLLY Ready to lose, stiff? Is that a birth mark I saw on your ass this morning? TRIS looks murderous, and MOLLY suddenly makes the first move, TRIS ducks, and drives her fist into her stomach. MOLLY doesn’t react to the punch, and attempts to grab TRIS, but TRIS ducks, and slips away. TRIS punches MOLLY in the back, MOLLY doesn’t react to the blow. TRIS sees FOUR standing beside the arena, right elbow bent at a right angle, left hand casually tapping it. FOUR (V.O.) For those who don’t have much muscle, use your elbows, and knees. MOLLY punches TRIS, TRIS blocks with her forearms. MOLLY groans frustratingly, and sloppily kicks at TRIS’ side. TRIS dodges, and MOLLY loses balance. TRIS rushes forward, and drives her elbow into MOLLY’s face. MOLLY punches TRIS in the ribs, and TRIS stumbles. MOLLY stands with her hands high, stomach, and ribs exposed. TRIS stands with her hands high, stomach, and ribs exposed. TRIS and MOLLY eye each other, TRIS rams her elbow into TRIS’ stomach. MOLLY falls to the ground, and TRIS kneads her knee into MOLLY’s side. 29. TRIS continues to beat MOLLY. MOLLY moves to protect her side, and curls up. MOLLY (whispered) Please stop... TRIS (angry) NO, HELL NO, NOT after what you did to me yesterday. INT. DORMITORY - MORNING TRIS enters the dormitory wearing only a towel, she freezes at the door. PETER, MOLLY, and DREW stand in the back corner laughing, they turn, and look at TRIS. TRIS quickly walks to her bed, and fumbles at the drawer. TRIS extracts a dress. PETER and MOLLY walk up behind TRIS, and snicker. TRIS turns around, and jumps. TRIS tries to leave, but PETER blocks her way. PETER Didn’t realize you were so skinny, Stiff. TRIS GET AWAY from me. MOLLY You look like a child, Stiff. No one’s following your orders, you aren’t with your corrupt, government faction anymore. Look at you, you are a child. DREW I dunno, maybe  she could be hiding something. Let’s look and see under the towel shall we? TRIS makes a run for it, but PETER grabs on to the back of her towel, and yanks it off revealing TRIS’ naked body. PETER, DREW, an MOLLY laugh, TRIS runs out. INT. TRAINING ROOM - DAY FOUR wraps his arms around TRIS, and TRIS punches MOLLY again. MOLLY gurgles. TRIS struggles against FOUR’s arms. FOUR Stop it. You’ve won. 30. TRIS relaxes, but glares at FOUR. FOUR looks alarmed. FOUR (CONT’D) I think you should leave. Take a walk. TRIS I’m fine. I really am fine. TRIS walks away. TRIS (CONT’D) (to herself) I’m fine, I don’t feel guilty, so I’m fine. INT. PIT - DAY Parents, and Adults mill around,  mostly Dauntless a few from other factions. The initiates all walk in, Transfers, and Dauntless-Born. They scatter to look for their parents. SERIES OF SHOTS Peter stands with a tall man with busy eyebrows, and a short meek-looking lady both dressed in black pants, and white shirts. A Dauntless-born initiate with purple hair stands with a woman with a pierced eyebrow, and a tattooed father. Will stands with a woman in a blue dress, very young, similar looking, his sister. Christina hugs a dark-skinned woman in black and white, a younger sister stands beside them. TRIS’ POV As she scans the crowd. She sees initiates standing with parents, and Drew and Molly standing off to the side, with no family beside them. Then, Tris’ mother appears with gray slacks, and grey jacket buttoned at the throat. Hair in a simple twist, and expression placid. TRIS’ mother turns and sees her, and moves towards her. TRIS runs towards her mother, tears jumping out of her eyes, she hugs her mother, and collapses into her arms. 31. TRIS’ MOTHER (Whispered, as she runs her had over TRIS’ hair) Beatrice. TRIS blinks, and hugs her mother tighter. TRIS’ MOTHER (CONT’D) Well, look at you. You’ve certainly filled out. Tell me how you are. TRIS You First. TRIS’ MOTHER (laughs) Today is a special occasion, I came to see you, so let’s talk mostly about you. It is my gift to you. TRIS One question, where’s Dad? Is he visiting Caleb? TRIS’ MOTHER shakes her head. TRIS’ MOTHER Sadly, no. Your father had to be at work. TRIS (Looking Down) You can tell me if he didn’t want to come. TRIS’ MOTHER Your father has been selfish lately. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. I promise. TRIS looks shocked. TRIS What about Caleb? What about visiting him? TRIS’ MOTHER I wish I could, but the Erudite have been prohibiting Abnegation visitors, I would be removed from the premises if I tried. The tension have never been higher. (sigh) (MORE)32. TRIS’ MOTHER (CONT'D) I wish it wasn’t this way, but there isn’t anything I can do. The lies they spread are greater than ever now. TRIS That’s terrible. TRIS’ mother looks around and sees Four. She points at him. TRIS’ MOTHER Who is that? TRIS Oh, just one of my instructors. Rather intimidating. TRIS’ MOTHER He’s HANDSOME. TRIS Yeah......... FOUR moves down, and heads over to TRIS and her Mother. His eyes widen at the sigh of TRIS’ mother, TRIS’ mother seems to recognize him . TRIS’ mother offers her hand. TRIS (CONT’D) Hello. My name is Natalie. I’m Beatrice’s mother. FOUR accepts the time, and shakes it twice, stiffly. Both, stiff. FOUR Four, It’s nice to meet you. TRIS’ MOTHER Four, is that a nickname? FOUR Yeas. Your daughter is doing well here. I’ve been overseeing her. TRIS’ MOTHER That’s good to hear. I know a few things about Dauntless initiation, and I was worried about her.  FOUR You shouldn’t worry. 33. TRIS’ MOTHER That’s excellent, You look familiar for some reason Four. FOUR I can’t imagine why. (Coldly) I don’t make a habit of associating with the Abnegation. TRIS’ MOTHER If you say so, but don’t we all know the truth. (Beat) Few people do associate us these days, I don’t take it personally. FOUR (Relaxing) Well, I’ll leave you to your reunion. FOUR walks off, and WILL arrives. WILL’s SISTER, CARA, gives TRIS and her MOTHER a withering look. CARA I can’t believe you associate with THEM, Will. TRIS’ mother, NATALIE, purses her lips. WILL Cara, no need to be rude. CARA Oh, certainly not. Do you know what (points at NATALIE) She is? She’s a council member’s wife is what she is. She runs the volunteer agency (air quotes) That supposedly helps the factionless. You think I don’t know that you’re just hoarding goods to distribute to your own faction while WE DON’T GET FRESH FOOD FOR A MONTH, huh? Food for the factionless, my eye. NATALIE I’m sorry, I believe you are mistaken. CARA 34. Mistaken. Ha. Hilarious. I’m sure you’re exactly what you seem. A faction of happy-go-lucky dogooders without a selfish bone in their bodies. Oh definitely. Right. TRIS (Angry) DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK TO MY MOTHER THAT WAY. OR I SWEAR I WILL BREAK YOUR NOSE. WILL Back off Tris. (beat) You’re not going to punch my sister. TRIS Try me. (beat) If you expect me to listen to people who spread the lies of the Erudite, and of that hag Jeanine, then you will mistake me.  CARA Now, how are you so sure they are lies? You haven’t personally gotten involved with this government yet, you know nothing. TRIS I may not know anything, but I HAVE MY CERTAINTY. AND WITH THAT I WILL PROVE YOU WRONG, AND ON WITH THAT I WILL GO UNTIL I PROVE ALL OF YOU WRONG, ESPECIALLY JEANINE. Now, I suggest you move away and shut your mouth, before I seriously hurt you. NATALIE Tris, you’re not. Come on, Beatrice. We wouldn’t want to bother your friend’s sister. NATALIE leads tris through the halls, towards the dining hall, but turns suddenly into a side hall, and rapidly moves. She stops, and crouches near tris. NATALIE (CONT’D) I said no questions about me. I meant it. (MORE)NATALIE (CONT’D) 35. How are you really doing, Beatrice? How have the fights been? How are you ranked? TRIS Ranked? You know that I’ve been fighting? You know that I’m ranked? NATALIE It’s not top-secret information, how the Dauntless initiation works. TRIS I’m I’m close to the bottom, Mom. TRIS looks down in shame. NATALIE Good. (nods) No one looks too closely at the bottom. Now, this is very good news. What’s more important was, what’s your aptitude results? TRIS looks conflicted, and opens and closes her mouth. TORI (V.O.) Don’t tell anyone..... TRIS opens and closes her mouth again. TRIS (hesitantly, and softly) They were, inconclusive. NATALIE (sighs) I thought as much. Many children who are raised Abnegation receive that result. No reason, they just do. You must be very careful during the next stage of initiation, Beatrice. Stay in the middle, no matter what you do, no attention to yourself. Understand? TRIS (surprised) What’s going on? 36. NATALIE I don’t have much time, but remember I don’t care what faction you chose, I am you mother, and I want to keep you safe. TRIS Is this because I’m DNATALIE cuts TRIS off immediately. NATALIE Don’t ever say that word, ever. TRIS Why? NATALIE I can’t say. Footsteps shuffle in the distance. NATALIE (CONT’D) I don’t have time now, Visitng day is over, but there’s something you should do. If you see your brother, go find him, and tell him to research the simulation serum. Okay? Can you do that? TRIS Not unless you EXPLAIN some of this to me, Mom. You want me to go to the Erudites, at least give me a reason. NATALIE I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to leave, but tell your brother, and don’t seem attached to me, or your brother. TRIS I don’t care what I look to them. NATALIE But you have to. YOU MUST. I suspect they are already monitoring you. Have a piece of cake for me, all right? The chocolate. It’s delicious, baked by Tori, we had a good long history. 37. NATALIE runs off into the distance, and TRIS follows. NATALIE climbs up the wall with ease, and on the ankle of foot, a tattoo. TRIS sees, and her eyes widen, and she runs after NATALIE. TRIS Mom? Were you Dauntless? NATALIE is no where to be seen. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT ERIC stands holding the list of rankings for stage one of the initiation, in the shadows invisible to eyes stands Jeanine. JEANINE Eric. I trust you know what to do with the next section of the initiation. Watch for the signs. ERIC And, if I find them? JEANINE Contact me, and we will figure out a PERMANENT solution to the problems. Especially her, her result was manually logged, and Abnegation. ERIC But, she displays perfect Dauntless principles, I expected much less than what I have seen from her. I don’t think she will be a problem, she is not a problem to us, I don’t think she displays the attributes. Her slugging of Molly was particularly brutal, and Dauntless. JEANINE Trust me, remember my IQ is so much higher than yours. I got you this job, you know why we selected you to carry out the Erudite collaboration with the Dauntless. I trust I know where your loyalties lie. ERIC Yes, ma’am.38. JEANINE (tightly) Good. JEANINE leaves, heels clicking. ERIC goes in the opposite direction, and takes a left going up to the wall outside the dormitories. He posts the list up on the board, and the transfer initiates all crowd around it. TRIS, AL, WILL, and CHRISTINA stand near the back. ERIC leaves as FOUR enters the room and takes ERIC’s place in front of the list. FOUR The ranks are here, before you see them, there are some things that need to be explained. After the first round of fights, we ranked you according to your skill level. The points you got are determined by how you did relative to your opponent. You got more points for improving, and for beating someone stronger. If you have a high rank you lose points for losing to a lower ranked opponent. MOLLY coughs in the background. FOUR (CONT’D) Those who prey on the weak are not rewarded. THAT IS COWARDICE. FOUR glances at Peter. FOUR (CONT’D) Your rankings are separated by Dauntless-born and Tranfers, cuts are announced tomorrow. TRIS, AL, CHRISTINA, and WILL rush up to see the rankings. THey read: 1. Edward 2. Peter 3. Will 4. Christina 5. Molly 6. Tris 7. Drew 8. Al 9. Myra. The entire group looks confused. MOLLY (outraged) How am I ranked lower than her? (gestures to Christina) I beat her in minutes. FOUR (smug) Yeah? And? Your point being?39. MOLLY I should be ranked above her! FOUR If you intend on a high rank you shouldn’t make it a habit to lose to lower ranked opponents. MOLLY glares at TRIS, and then turns on her heel and enters the dormitories, PETER and DREW follow. WILL and CHRISTINA slap hands, and WILL hugs TRIS. WILL Look at you. Number six. WILL grins at TRIS. TRIS (anxious) Still might not have been good enough... WILL Don’t worry, it will be. We should celebrate. CHRISTINA grabs CHRISTINA, and AL’s arm. CHRISTINA Come on, Al. You don’t know now the Dauntless-borns did. You don’t know anything for sure, we should still celebrate while we still can. AL looks at his feet. AL (mumbled) I’m just going to go to bed. AL pulls his arm free, and slouches into the dormitory. INT. DORMITORY - MIDNIGHT PETER stands in the darkness, barely visible. He stands over a bed, raises his arms, he holds a knife in his hands. ANGLE ON - KNIFE IN PETER’S HAND The knife is slowly raised, and shakes. Then, the knife suddnely plunges. 40. A scream rings out, EDWARD’S scream. The entire dormitory springs into action. CHRISTINA Someone turn on the lights! The lights flicker on, and EDWARD lies on the floor next to his bed, clutching at his face. A halo of blood surrounds his head, and a knife juts out of his face. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Isn’t that the butter knife from the dining hall? MYRA walks up to EDWARD, and screams. Someone else screams, and in the distance someone yells for help. The sound of vomit rings. EDWARD Take it out! It hurts! Take it out! TRIS kneels next to him. TRIS No. You have to let the doctor take it out. Hear me? Let the doctor take it out. Now breathe. It will be all right. EDWARD It hurts! TRIS It will be all right, now breathe. The DAUNTLESS nurses arrive, and carry EDWARD out of the room. TRIS’ hands, and knees are now soaked in blood. PETER enters the room. INT. DINING HALL TRIS sits at the table with CHRISTINA, AL, and WILL, eating steak. CHRISTINA Did you hear? Edward, and Myra quit. TRIS Really? Myra?41. CHRISTINA Yeah, she was going to get cut anyways, and she said that she didn’t want to be here without him anyways. WILL Anyone find out who the two Dauntless-born that got cut were? AL Nope, but at least I didn’t get cut. CHRISTINA, TRIS, and WILL all stare at AL. AL (CONT’D) What? I was going to get cut if Edward didn’t quite. You know it’s true. 


What is the significance of the cheese and knife in Tris' aptitude test?
  • Both the cheese and the knife are symbols of Tris' indecision about her future.

  • Choosing the cheese would show a preference for Dauntless, while the knife would suggest Erudite.

  • The cheese represents Tris' fear of hunger, and the knife symbolizes her fear of violence.

  • Choosing the cheese would indicate an aptitude for Amity, while choosing the knife would indicate otherwise.


What does Tori's hawk tattoo symbolize?
  • It is a symbol of Tori's membership in Dauntless.

  • The hawk represents Tori's freedom from her past.

  • The hawk symbolizes the sun, and Tori believes it will keep her from being afraid even in the darkest times.

  • The tattoo has no particular meaning; it is simply a decoration.


Why does Tori warn Tris to keep her test results secret?
  • Tori believes that keeping test results secret is a Dauntless tradition.

  • Tori is concerned that sharing the results might influence others' choices.

  • The test results are incorrect, and Tori wants to protect the reputation of the testing process.

  • Tris' results indicate she is Divergent, which is dangerous information that could put her life at risk.


What does Tris' mother's tattoo reveal about her past?
  • It reveals that Tris' mother is a supporter of the Amity faction.

  • Tris' mother was previously a member of Dauntless.

  • Tris' mother is secretly a member of the factionless.

  • The tattoo indicates that Tris' mother is an undercover Erudite agent.


What is the significance of Tris choosing to jump first during the Dauntless initiation?
  • It indicates that Tris is trying to show off and gain attention.

  • It is a sign that Tris regrets her decision to join Dauntless.

  • It demonstrates her bravery and willingness to embrace her new faction.

  • Jumping first is a traditional role reserved for the leader of the initiates.


Why does Tris' mother advise her to stay in the middle of the rankings during initiation?
  • It is a strategy to make Tris seem less competent than she actually is.

  • Staying in the middle will ensure that Tris does not have to take on leadership responsibilities.

  • Being in the middle will prevent Tris from drawing attention to herself, which is important because she is Divergent.

  • Tris' mother believes that being at the top of the rankings could put Tris in danger from jealous peers.


What does Tris' mother ask her to tell Caleb to research?
  • The truth behind the faction system.

  • The history of the Divergent.

  • Ways to improve the Abnegation's public image.

  • The simulation serum.


What is the main reason for the tension between the Abnegation and Erudite factions?
  • Abnegation and Erudite have different philosophies about the value of knowledge.

  • Erudite is spreading lies about Abnegation and has been prohibiting Abnegation visitors.

  • There is a personal feud between the leaders of the two factions.

  • The Erudite faction is jealous of the Abnegation's power in the government.


Why does Four advise Tris to attack first in her fight with Molly?
  • Attacking first is a traditional tactic taught by Dauntless.

  • Four wants Tris to lose the fight and is giving her bad advice.

  • It is a test to see if Tris is willing to disobey orders.

  • Because Tris is fast, and attacking first could give her an advantage despite her lack of strength.


What does Jeanine instruct Eric to do during the next stage of initiation?
  • Recruit the highest-ranked initiates for a special mission on behalf of Erudite.

  • Watch for signs of Divergence among the initiates and contact her if any are found.

  • Eliminate any initiates who show signs of weakness or cowardice.

  • Ensure that Tris is ranked at the top to keep an eye on her.

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