AP Success - AP English Language: Violence in American Ethos

The passage below is an excerpt from an essay on violence in America, written by a contemporary historian.
On September 26, 1872, three mounted men rode up to the gate of the Kansas city
Fair, which was enjoying a huge crowd of perhaps 10,000 people. The bandits shot
at the ticket seller, hit a small girl in the leg, and made off for the woods with something
less than a thousand dollars. It was highhanded, and it endangered the lives of a whole host of
holiday-minded people for comparatively little reward.
What makes the robbery and the violence notable is not the crime itself but the
way it was reported in the Kansas City Times by one John N. Edwards. In his front-page
story he branded the robbery "so diabolically daring and so utterly in contempt
of fear that we are bound to admire it and revere its perpetrators."
Two days later the outlaws were being compared by the Times with knights of
King Arthur's Round Table:
"It was as though three bandits had come to us from storied Odenwald, with the
halo of medieval chivalry upon their garments and shown us how the things were
done that poets sing of. Nowhere else in the United States or in the civilized world,
probably, could this thing have been done."
Quite likely this deed was perpetrated by the James brothers: Jesse and Frank, and
a confederate. The details really do not matter. What pertains is the attitude of the
innocent toward the uncertainly identified guilty. The act had been perpetrated by
violent, lawless men. If the Times is any indication, a respectable section of people
approved of their action. No one, of course, thought to ask the little girl with the
shattered leg how she felt about such courage. Nearly 17 months later, Edwards
was quoted in the St. Louis Dispatch as preferring the western highwayman to the
Eastern, for "he has more qualities that attract admiration and win respect . . . . This
comes from locality . . . which breeds strong, hardy men-men who risk much, who
have friends in high places, and who go riding over the land, taking all chances that
come in the way." The purpose here is not to belabor one reasonably anonymous
newspaperman of nearly a century ago, but merely to point up a fact-and a problem-of
the American frontier.
The frontier placed a premium on independent action and individual reliance.
The whole history of the American frontier is a narrative of taking what was there
to be taken. The timid never gathered riches, the polite nearly never. The men
who first carved the wilderness into land claims and town lots were the men who moved
in the face of dangers, gathering as they progressed. The emphasis naturally came to
be placed on gathering and not on procedures. Great tales of gigantic attainments
abound in this frontier story; equally adventurous tales of creative plundering mark
the march from Jamestown to the Pacific. It was a period peopled by giants, towers
of audacity with insatiable appetites. The heroes are not the men of moderate
attitudes, not the town planners and commercial builders, not the farmers nor the
ministers nor the teachers. The heroes of the period, handed along to us with all the
luster of a golden baton, are the mighty runners from Mt. Olympus who ran without
looking back, without concern about social values or anywhere they might be going
except onward.
We revere these heroes because they were men of vast imagination and daring.
We have also inherited their blindness and their excesses.
Source 1


The phrase "highhanded" in line 4 most likely suggests that the robbers' actions were:
  • Motivated by a noble cause, despite the violent approach

  • Performed with a high level of skill and expertise

  • Conducted openly without any attempt to hide their identity

  • Strategically planned with precision

  • Executed with a sense of entitlement and disregard for others


The use of "holiday-minded people" (line 5) serves to:
  • Imply that the people were too distracted to effectively respond to the robbery

  • Emphasize the innocence and unpreparedness of the crowd

  • Highlight the contrast between the violent act and the joyful occasion

  • Suggest that the crowd was largely composed of tourists

  • Indicate the festive atmosphere that was disrupted by the robbery


The attitude of John N. Edwards towards the robbers, as described in lines 7-9, can best be characterized as:
  • Fearful and intimidated

  • Indifferent and detached

  • Admiring and reverential

  • Disdainful and critical

  • Skeptical and questioning


The comparison of the outlaws to "knights of King Arthur's Round Table" (lines 10-11) is meant to:
  • Indicate the romanticized view of the outlaws held by some members of the public

  • Imply that the outlaws were part of a larger organized group with noble aims

  • Illustrate the bravery and chivalry the outlaws displayed during the robbery

  • Show the historical ignorance of those who made the comparison

  • Suggest that the outlaws followed a code of honor similar to that of the knights


The phrase "violent, lawless men" (line 19) is used in the passage to:
  • Indicate that the robbers had a long history of criminal behavior

  • Argue that the robbers were unjustly vilified by the media

  • Suggest that the robbers were misunderstood and deserved sympathy

  • Emphasize the dangerous nature of the robbers' actions

  • Provide a stark contrast to the public's romanticized perception of the robbers


The reference to the little girl with the shattered leg (lines 20-21) is intended to:
  • Indicate the randomness and chaos of the robbery

  • Suggest that the robbers targeted vulnerable individuals

  • Provide a specific example of the physical harm caused by the robbers

  • Elicit sympathy from the reader for the victims of the robbery

  • Contrast the reality of the robbery's impact with the glorified media portrayal


The comparison of western highwaymen to their Eastern counterparts in lines 22-26 primarily serves to:
  • Highlight the unique characteristics of western outlaws

  • Suggest a cultural difference in the perception of outlaws

  • Criticize the romanticization of criminals in the media

  • Emphasize the courage and daring of western robbers

  • Argue that eastern highwaymen were less honorable than their western counterparts


The mention of "the American frontier" (line 28) is significant because it:
  • Argues that the frontier spirit justified the robbers' actions

  • Provides a historical context for understanding the public's reaction to the robbery

  • Indicates that the robbery took place in an area with little law enforcement

  • Implies that such crimes were common during the frontier era

  • Suggests that the robbery reflects broader themes of American history and culture


The phrase "mighty runners from Mt. Olympus" (line 40) is used to:
  • Criticize the hyperbolic language used by the media to describe criminals

  • Compare the robbers to mythological figures, emphasizing their perceived grandeur

  • Indicate the lofty status that the robbers attained in popular imagination

  • Suggest that the robbers were seen as possessing supernatural abilities

  • Imply that the robbers were out of touch with reality


The overall tone of the passage could best be described as:
  • Sympathetic and understanding

  • Objective and neutral

  • Critical and analytical

  • Nostalgic and reverential

  • Satirical and ironic

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