Theme QUIZ

Be prepared to write about the themes of the following short stories: "The Ransom of Red Chief," "The Open Window," and "The Tell-Tale Heart."

The short stories are available on StudySync via Google Classroom if you need to refer back to them. Answer the following questions:


The major theme of "The Open Window" by Saki (H.H. Munro) is deception and the impact of storytelling on perception. The story explores how easily people can be misled by fabricated tales, leading to humorous or unsettling consequences.


What is Saki's major theme in "The Open Window"?
  • The power of nature

  • The consequences of war

  • Deception and the impact of storytelling

  • The importance of family relationships


Two-Part Question Using 8.5G TEKS: Analyze how the author's use of language contributes to the development of the theme and how key details contribute to the meaning of the text.


What is the major theme of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"?
  • The inevitability of death

  • The conflict between love and hate

  • The effects of guilt and paranoia

  • The power of forgiveness


Which detail from "The Tell-Tale Heart" best contributes to the development of the theme?
  • The narrator's careful planning of the old man's murder

  • The description of the old man's vulture-like eye

  • The repeated beating of the heart that only the narrator can hear

  • The interaction between the narrator and the police officers


What specific flashback does Vera describe in "The Open Window"?
  • The time when the men went hunting and never returned

  • The day her aunt received a letter from the missing men

  • The moment the men decided to leave for their trip

  • The occasion when the aunt first opened the window


Which event does the narrator recall in a flashback to justify his actions in "The Tell-Tale Heart"?
  • The night he first heard the old man's heartbeat

  • The moment he decided to confess to the crime

  • The nights he spent watching the old man sleep

  • The day he was questioned by the police officers


Multiple Choice Question Using 8.5E TEKS: Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text relate to each other and the whole.


How does the structure of the narrative in "The Tell-Tale Heart" enhance the story's suspense?
  • By revealing the ending at the beginning of the story

  • By using a non-linear timeline with flashbacks and foreshadowing

  • By gradually increasing the intensity of the narrator's obsession

  • By providing detailed descriptions of the setting and characters


In "The Ransom of Red Chief," "The Open Window," and "The Tell-Tale Heart," each author explores different aspects of human nature through their use of irony and suspense. Choose one story and explain how the theme is developed through the characters' actions and the plot. Use specific examples from the text to support your answer. USE THE R.A.C.E.S writing strategy to write your response.  
**RACES Writing Strategy** is a helpful tool for answering short essay questions or writing responses. Follow these steps to write a strong, organized response:
1. **Restate the question**  
   Begin your answer by restating or rephrasing the question as a part of your first sentence. This shows you understand what is being asked.  
   *Example: If the question is, "What is the theme of the story?" you could start with, "The theme of the story is..."*
2. **Answer the question**  
   Give a direct answer to the question. Make sure you clearly explain your main point or opinion.  
   *Example: "The theme of the story is that appearances can be deceiving."*
3. **Cite evidence**  
   Provide evidence from the text to support your answer. Use quotes or specific details from the story that prove your point.  
   *Example: "In the story, the narrator says, 'She looked out the window with a calm expression, but her heart raced with fear.'"*
4. **Explain your evidence**  
   Explain how your evidence supports your answer. Make sure the connection between the quote and your answer is clear.  
   *Example: "This shows that although the character appears calm, she is actually anxious, which supports the theme that appearances can be misleading."*
5. **Summarize or conclude**  
   Wrap up your response with a final statement that summarizes your answer.  
   *Example: "Overall, the story illustrates that people or situations are not always what they seem."*
By following the **RACES** steps, you’ll create a clear, well-supported response to any question.
Source 6.2

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