Unit 2 FRQ over Domestic Slave Trade

Use the map and your knowledge of what it represents and the history of the era to respond to the questions below. 
Domestic slave trade and forced migration. The shaded region shows the forced migration of enslaved persons from Virginia through the Deep South. 

Question 2

Short answer
In the shaded region above, identify what form of agricultural commodification dominated the area?
The crop that dominated these areas were cotton also know as king cotton and it was a very profidable cash crop.

Question 3

Short answer
Explain why the shaded region on the map was often referred to as the "second middle passage"?

Question 4

Short answer
Explain the cause of the forced migration of enslaved people from the upper south to the lower south?

Question 5

Short answer
 Compare the task versus the gang system of labor that developed on American plantations.

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